Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday Morning Test

Marketing. Yuck. I went to bed around 2am to wake up at 7 to get ready for my test. Caught the train, and upon arriving at Wollongong, realized the normal buses don't run on weekends. I asked a girl sitting next to me which one went to campus, she said 55A. So we got on 55A only to discover that if in fact, does NOT go to campus. So getting after after a quarter mile, we made the 25 minute walk to campus to talk the test. Now, I left thinking it was cool, so i wore jeans and a jumper (sweater) and it instead, turned out to be boiling. So got to the test, which lasted 1.5 hours. We had to stay the WHOLE time. On a saturday morning. It took me 30 minutes and I slept the rest of the time. Then, had to wait in line to check my name of a list. The most unorganized test I've ever took. Oh, I forgot to mention I did not eat anything this morning and it was now 11:45, I was starving. So i had some lunch at the uni and made the walk back to the train station. Got there at about 12:30 and a train going to Bulli didn't come until 1:30. But, there was a train to the town one stop north in 5 minutes so I took it. So, i thought walking in the hot, with a sweater, jeans and flip flops was a good idea. I walked the hour it took to  get back home to Bulli. What a marvelous Saturday.


Me and my host family, minues Tayla who is going to Norfolk Island with Girl Guides, will be traveling up to Duboo to the zoo and some caves all this next week. Should be fun!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Once upon a time, I found home

I can't believe that I've been here for a month and a half already.

I've never felt more at home than I do now. Never once in Kansas did I feel, yes I belong here.

I love my host mom so much. She is such an amazing woman, and I can't imagine my life without her now.

I mostly love how everything here is backwards from what I'm used do. They drive on the left, instead of leaves falling in autumn, tree's bark peels. Instead of always getting stressed or upset, everything is "no worries".

I feel like I am becoming the woman I am supposed to be here. I don't desire the things I used to. I don't want your suburban beige world. I want my own, I want to get so far away from the bland realities of this world. I'm glad to be free of the shackles that we were desperately chained to me. I am who I am, I wouldn't change a single thing about my personality, or my beliefs.

I wonder if I'll go through depression when I come home from here. I probably will. I feel like this is my family, my home, the refuge I never had.

If there was one thing I could do over, was let go sooner. Stop letting people break me, judge me, hurt me. I am unbreakable and more of myself, than I realized was left.

In Australia I am me. Not the one I have to act like to make you happy. Not the one who has to fit in with any group of people. Purely and selfishly, myself.